When buying a house, most people are very familiar with the process of applying for a mortgage, purchasing, and moving into a home that is already built. However, the situation is slightly different when building a new home from the ground up.
The Vista Blog
Shelly Salomon
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For most of us, buying a house is the largest purchase of our lives, and the process is far from simple. If you are a first-time home buyer, you should know that the question of when to buy a new house is among the essential things to consider when embarking on this journey.
Tags: Advice on Buying
Be Your Own Home Renovator - 5 DIY Home Renovation Ideas
Keeping your home in top shape through regular upgrades is key not only for maintaining its looks but, more importantly, for increasing the home’s value over time. The good news is that home upgrades don’t necessarily require extensive and expensive renovation projects.
The cold months are upon us, and while that means gorgeous views and several holidays, it also means that homeowners have to deal with a unique set of challenges.
Cold weather can cause a lot of problems for homes that are ill-equipped for the change in seasons. However, by following a home winterization checklist with tips on how to winterize a house, you will be able to protect your house from the problems that come with cold weather. You will also be able to create a shelter of warmth against the cold winter ahead.
Tags: Home Maintenance Tips
Are you a homeowner looking to sell your property? Or are you in the market for a new home? While sellers and buyers may approach the market differently, they share an interest in the elements influencing a property's value. A mix of factors determines how much a home is worth. Some objective factors, like the location and market conditions, play a big role and are pretty reasonable. Nevertheless, subjective value judgments also matter.
Open Floor Plan or Formal Dining Room? Pick Your Dining Style
Open or closed off? That's the question many homeowners face when deciding between an open concept kitchen or a formal dining room. The choice may seem like a mere arrangement of walls and furniture, but it embodies a profound shift in how we envision and experience our living/dining/cooking spaces.
A glance at your friends' home designs or a quick online search will reveal that neither design philosophy holds absolute superiority over the other. In fact, the ONLY determining factors are your personal style and unique needs.
In this regard, this post lays out the differences between open concept floor plans and formal dining rooms, including the pros and cons of each design alternative.
Tags: Building Tips & Info, Floor Plans
Explore the Outdoor: Top 6 Day Trips From Hendersonville, NC
With summer break almost over, you may still be searching for more ideas to keep your kids entertained. After reading our last blog on 4 summer activities your kid will love in Hendersonville, NC, let's discuss the outdoor wonders surrounding Hendersonville.
Tags: Life in Western NC
Safety & Fun Unleashed: 5 Ideas for Dog-Friendly Landscaping
When moving into a new home or picking a lot for your custom build, we usually fantasize about our big front porch or visualize where we are going to put the swing set for the kids in the backyard. But what about our four-legged family members?
Tags: Design Trends & Tips
4 Summer Activities Your Kid Will Love in Hendersonville, NC
Summer break has arrived, school is out, and your kids are itching for excitement. Before they turn your home into a jungle gym, you might want to google “things to do with kids near me”.
The good news is that if you're living in or near the Hendersonville area of North Carolina, you can look no further! We've got you covered with a fantastic lineup of summer activities for kids that will get the whole family out and about.
Tags: Life in Western NC