How to Increase Your Home's Value

Posted by Rachel Allain on April 26, 2023


When buying a home, increasing its value isn't always the first thing on our minds. Living in your home is the most important part of owning a home. Adding upgrades may help raise your home's potential value.

Here are some different ways how to increase your home’s value.

5 Ways to Increase Your Home Value

De-clutter wherever and whenever you can - Honestly, this is a good skill to practice even if you aren't going to be selling your home anytime soon. Picking a section of the house to completely clean and de-clutter twice a year could help you keep up with your home.

We all have tendencies to hold onto things, so it's important to look back on all the stuff you own and really decide if it's worth keeping. Use this cleaning technique, created by Marie Kondo, a tidying expert, where you ask yourself whether or not your items bring you joy.

Read More >> De-clutter Your Garage in Five Easy Steps

Work on your landscaping skills - Does your dream home hold curb appeal? If not, there are some quick and relatively inexpensive ways to bump up your home's exterior charm. Making sure the outside of your home is appealing to others can increase your home's potential value.

Some projects can be done in a day or a couple of days, like removing weeds in the lawn, adding a flower bed with brick lining, or painting your front door a new inviting color. Give yourself time for longer projects like repainting siding and trim, upgrading railings, or building a stone walkway.


Choose timeless designs and features - Choose colors that are pleasing to the eye and work with your fixtures and appliances. Some timeless designs include white bedding, built-in bookshelves, marble countertops, and hardwood flooring.

Mix and match designs to find your style, but try to stick to your personal theme to tie it all together. Whether it's Boho Chic, Eclectic, or anything else, make it work throughout the whole home for cohesiveness.

Follow a regular home maintenance schedule - It's easiest to put this one off. Many people tend to avoid maintenance until disaster strikes. Don't make the mistake of waiting to service your home; stay updated with your appliances and units to ensure a potential buyer won't hesitate.

Prevent a future headache for yourself by handling home emergencies before they happen. Here is a good maintenance calendar you can follow.


Give your kitchen a makeover - Out of all the rooms in our homes, the most frequented space is undoubtedly the kitchen. Whether you spend hours cooking elaborate meals or sneaking into the pantry for a late-night snack, kitchens get the most foot traffic.

If someone is going to be interested in purchasing your home, a well-updated kitchen with newer appliances, freshly painted cabinets, and fashionable countertops can make a difference in the offered price. Here are some before and after kitchen makeovers to inspire you.

Read more >> What affects my property value?

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To get started, call us at (866) 519-2400 or contact us online. You can even click the banner below to view all of our floor plans.

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Tags: Advice on Selling